
Park City Police offers tips to keep students safe to and from schools

PARK CITY, Utah — The Park City Police Department (PCPD) has put out a PSA reminding drivers that Park City school kids head back to class next week on August 17. According to the National Safety Council, children, ages four to seven years old, are at greatest risk while walking to school. The PCPD asks drivers to be proactive with the following tips for children’s safety:

• Take extra care to look out for children in school zones, near playgrounds and parks, and in all residential areas

• Don’t double park; it blocks visibility for other children and vehicles

• Don’t load or unload children across the street from the school

• Carpool to reduce the number of vehicles at the school

• Don’t block the crosswalk when stopped at an intersection

• Stop and yield to pedestrians in school zones

• Always stop for a school patrol officer or crossing guard holding up a stop sign

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