Heber Leadership Academy accepting applications

Photo: Alena Darmel
HEBER CITY, Utah – The Heber Leadership Academy (HLA) is back in session in August, where Heber City residents take the next step in becoming a leader in their community. The program offers opportunities to meet and connect with Heber representatives and local experts while learning and developing personal skills.
Applications for the program close on Aug. 10 and up to 25 individuals will be chosen to partake in the program.
Matt Brower is the director of the HLA and Heber city manager. For $250, chosen applicants will attend ten events throughout nine months, including a public safety seminar with the Heber City Police Department and an economic development session with members of Heber’s Chamber of Commerce.
Individuals selected for enrollment will be chosen from private and public sectors. Anyone living or working in Wasatch County and the surrounding area is considered. Work experience, current skills, aspirations to serve in leadership roles throughout the community, and commitment to community involvement are considered when reviewing applications.
This is the second year of the Academy, and each graduating class will complete a project that will benefit the community. Last year’s graduating class built a water feature in downtown Heber.
To apply or learn more information, refer to the Heber Leadership Academy website.