Park City now taking applications for 4th of July Parade

The annual Fourth of July Parade on Main Street in Park City. Photo: Park City Chamber/ Bureau
PARK CITY, Utah — Park City’s Fourth of July Parade is scheduled to be held on Monday, July 4 at 11 a.m.
The city is now taking applications for those who wish to walk the parade route.
(payments made out to Park City Municipal)
For Profit Business – $200; Late Applications $400
Non Profit Business – $100; Late Applications $200
Individuals/Neighborhoods/Community Members – $50; Late Application $100
*Individuals or Community Members cannot represent any business or organization. This is for neighborhoods/family/friends who want to get together and design a float.
Floats containing no fuel power (Walk, Bike and Electric Vehicle) will be given a $50 discount.
All applications will be judged for entry, scored using the following variables:
1. Local Summit County Resident or Business.
2. Entry’s relevance to the spirit and theme of Independence Day
3. A completed application and promptness of payment after acceptance
Important Dates:
June 13: Last day to submit application (late fees apply after this day)
June 17: You will receive notification if accepted
June 22: Mandatory parade meeting; 6:00 p.m. via zoom
June 27: Last day to submit description changes/All applicable fees are due
This year’s theme is ‘America the Beautiful.’
Late fees apply after June 18, and late applications may be considered after June 13. No applications are allowed after June 27.
Applications should be sent via email to
Political parties/candidates are not allowed in the parade.