Park City High School’s PTSO to host “Docudrama” event on Friday

Park City High School. Photo: TownLift
PARK CITY, Utah. — The Park City High School Parent Teacher Student Organization (PCHS PTSO) will host their “Docudrama” event on Friday, May 27 to give their high school students an opportunity to see the consequences of impaired or distracted driving and the long term impact that can have on their lives.
Hosted back in 2019, the high school and some of its students acted out a real-life situation of a group of teenagers experiencing a fatal wreck after the driver was impaired. Using fake blood, makeup, and enlisting the services of the Park City Police, Park City Fire District and University of Utah Health Airmed, the school strives to make this situation as real as possible in order to demonstrate how quickly a life can be changed forever.
“It’s surreal to say the least,” Park City Police Officer Jarman told Park City Television in 2019. “The docudrama is meant for a good purpose. It’s meant to give the kids an insight to what they may experience during graduation, the choices they have and that those choices can affect a lot of people. The docudrama is as close to reality as you can possibly get.”
After a demonstration of the accident, a mock funeral is then held for the student who passed away to invoke emotion and illustrate the serious consequences of poor choices. After the funeral, an officer and speaker address the audience to conclude the event.
The Docudrama will take place on Friday, May 27 at the church parking lot next to Dozier Field from 7:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The PCHS PTSO is encouraging all seniors to attend.
For those interested in volunteering, they can sign up here.