
Parkite Mikayla Willis “in good spirits” after injury

PARK CITY, Utah — On Monday, Park City Ski & Snowboard (PCSS) provided an update about local skier Mikayla Willis, who was critically injured while competing in the Freeride World Qualifiers in Big Sky, Montana on March 23.

“Mikayla has 25-30 titanium screws and a titanium mesh holding her skull together. Her mind is there,” PCSS said.

“Her back L2 has a chip broken off, and it will heal on its own. Hips are NOT broken, as the family was initially told from the hospital in Bozeman.

“She is in good spirits. She is grateful and full of so much love. Her nurses say that she is the most positive, sweet, grateful person they have ever had on the neuro floor.

A friend who was visiting Mikayla and witnessed her amazing recovery said, “my heart is so happy,” to which Mikayla replied, “mine is too because it is still beating.”

A Go Fund Me that was started to help offset medical costs for the Willis family has raised over $124,000.

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