Welcoming home Utah’s sport climbing Olympic silver medalist

Sport Climbing. Photo: Sabrina Wendl
MURRAY, Utah. – Nathaniel Coleman returned to Salt Lake City to a heroes welcome yesterday with his Tokyo 2020 silver medal. A parade was thrown in his honor through the serene nature and winding paths of Murray Park. Coleman, 24, was born and raised in Murray. Upon his arrival at the Salt Lake City Airport, friends and family held hand-drawn, heart-felt colorful signs bearing Coleman’s name, Olympic rings, and silver medals as he deplaned and made his way into their arms.

Sport climbing made its Olympic debut in Tokyo 2020 crowning Coleman one of the first medalists in history. The National Governing Body of the sport, USA Climbing, is based in Salt Lake City.
At 6:00 pm the entire community gathered at the Park to show and share in its pride. He sat in the passenger seat of a convertable. Fan’s of climbing, fans of the Olympics, fans of Murray, and fans of Coleman were glad he was home and were glad that he calls their home his home.