
The wildly popular Wasatch Wildflower Festival is back

COTTONWOOD CANYONS, Utah. —  The annual Wasatch Wildflower Festival is being held in July over two weekends.
  • July 10 at Brighton Ski Resort,
  • July 11 at Solitude Mountain Resort,
  • July 17 at Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort
  • July 18 at Alta Ski Area.

Guided walks and activities will be offered at each resort.

“During the peak of the pandemic last year, we had to move the Festival online.  While we are still taking precautions, we are eager to host guided walks and activities in the Canyons again and are experiencing incredible interest in the events this year.  Our guides have been training for weeks, scouting this year’s wildflower areas, and identifying dozens of species from bluebells and columbines to penstemons and buttercups.” Joanna Wheelton Campbell, Executive Director, Cottonwood Canyons Foundation

Albion Basin. Photo: Ira Mitchell

In partnership with Alta Community Enrichment, Alta, Snowbird, Solitude, Brighton, and the US Forest Service – Salt Lake City Ranger District, they have been hosting this event for decades. People visit from around the world, and locals attend year after year.
Friends can help the Cottonwoods Canyon Foundation sponsor this event, and support stewardship and education efforts in the Canyons by clicking here.
The Festival is offered free of charge, but registration is required here: Wasatch Wildflower Festival 2021 Registration. Please complete the registration and bring the Confirmation Email with you to the event (print copy or display on your device/phone).

Wasatch Wildflower Festival. Photo: Kathleen McKenzie

Volunteers are needed and can sign up online.

From Park City, drivers can take the scenic Guardsman Pass Road which travels over the peaks from the Wasatch Back to the Cottonwood Canyons.



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