Calls for service: Police and sheriff logs

park city police Photo: TownLift // Bailey Edelstein
A call came into the SCSD from a person who said their friend had called them to report he had fallen while riding his mountain bike in the Jeremy Ranch area and was unable to walk. The caller had responded to the area and located his friend and called into dispatch requesting assistance. Two deputies hiked in on foot and located the injured biker approximately 1.3 miles from the trailhead. The deputies assisted PCFD with guiding in medical and assisting with moving the man back to the trailhead. The 57-year-old Parkite was transported to a Salt Lake hospital with a head injury, facial lacerations, and possible broken ribs. The friend took possession of the man’s property at his request.
A dirt bike was reported stolen by the homeowner to SCSD from his garage in Henefer.
In front of the Double Tree Hotel on Park Ave., PCPD officers responded to a hit-and-run. The victim reported a possible vehicle description for the suspect driver. Officers checked SR 224 in the area and saw the damaged suspect vehicle near Kimball Jct. They followed it through the overpass, into the Spring Creek neighborhood and conducted a traffic stop. During the investigation, drugs were found inside the suspect’s vehicle. The driver was arrested and booked into the Summit County Jail for drug and traffic-related charges.
Just after 2 am, PCPD responded to a convenience store where two young females on a “beer run,” allegedly each stole a 30 pk. of Natural Light from the store without attempting to pay for it.
A call came into the PCPD from a resident on Deer Valley Dr. saying that a neighboring home had a group of guys throwing beer cans off the roof.
PCPD assisted on a call regarding a man who had been living in his car on Empire Ave. for three or four weeks.
A complainant called the PCPD to report that on Marsac Ave. Two bicycles are there taking up the entire lane. He had honked at them at which point one cyclist yelled at him that they have the entire lane and that the driver is supposed to go around them over the double yellow line.
On Main St., A victim and another man were jogging and passed a different group of men. The caller reported he was jumped by the group. Officers searched the Old Town area including Park Avenue and City Park but were not able to find the men.
Officers from the PCPD responded to Old Town where a neighbor called to notify them that people had a fire in a wood-burning stove out in the yard and sparks were coming out of the chimney.