
Utah tested to stay and to play and the CDC gives recognition

PARK CITY, Utah. — The Center For Disease Control (CDC) holds Utah up as a model in creative COVID practices. Schools in Park City implemented Test-To-Stay (in school) and Test-To-Play (extracurricular activities) and the success rate has garnered a distinguished write-up from the CDC.

“Utah implemented two high school COVID-19 testing programs to sustain in-person instruction and extracurricular activities. During November 30, 2020–March 20, 2021, among 59,552 students who received testing, 1,886 (3.2%) had a positive result. These programs facilitated the completion of approximately 95% of high school extracurricular competition events and saved an estimated 109,752 in-person instruction student-days,” says the CDC in a statement

The data-laden report lends captivating insights into the realities of staff and students within the past year.

After reading the statistics, readers will see the voluminous list of entities and of individuals from whom collaborative communication and sharing of what was and wasn’t working during those days are acknowledged by the CDC and the State of Utah for their significant contributions to solutions.

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