Town & County

Water rate increases and e-bike regulations on the agenda for Thursday’s City Council meeting

Water rates could increase as much as 10% this year and e-bikes could see a 15mph speed limit set on mixed use pathways.

PARK CITY, Utah — The City Council is set to deliberate on potential adjustments to water rates for the fiscal year 2025 and review community feedback on e-bike policies, among other agenda items.

Water Rate Adjustments
The City Council is considering various options for increasing water rates to ensure the financial health of the Water Enterprise Fund. The recommendation from Bowen Collins, an independent firm conducting a water rate study, suggests a 10% increase in water service fees for the upcoming fiscal year. This increase aims to balance revenue with operating and capital expenditures, addressing the city’s long-term water infrastructure needs. Alternatives include a phased approach with smaller initial increases combined with new charges for city facilities and potential grant funding.

E-bike Policies
The City Council will also review the results of a recent community survey on e-bike use, which will inform potential policy changes. Key considerations include setting a 15 mph speed limit on multi-use pathways and exploring designated E-MTB trails in the Lower Deer Valley and Deer Crest areas as pilot projects. The survey revealed mixed feelings among residents about e-bikes, with concerns about safety and trail congestion but overall support for managed use and additional regulation.

Councilors will also discuss, hold a public hearing, and consider voting on amendments to Land Management Code.

The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Thursday, May 23, at 5:30 p.m.

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