
Salt Lake City, Utah Winter Olympics

The 2034 Winter Olympics, officially known as XXVII Olympic Winter Games, is anticipated to be held in Salt Lake City, Utah. Stay up to date on the latest news and local updates about the Olympics from TownLift.

Who will host the 2034 Winter Olympics?

Salt Lake City, Utah is currently the only active bid for the 2034 Winter Olympic Games. The vote to select the host city will take place on July 24 in Lausanne, Switzerland during the Summer Games Opening Ceremony in Paris. This is the final step that will guarantee the host cities of the 2030 and 2034 Winter Games.

What are the dates for the 2034 Winter Olympics?

The Winter Games are set to be held from 10 to 26 February 2034

What Olympic events will be held in Park City?

Under the official Salt Lake City bid, Park City may host 15 different events including: Ski Jumping, Nordic Combined, Bobsleigh, Luge, Skeleton, Snowboard Parallel and Giant Slalom, Snowboard Cross, Freestyle Skiing Ski Cross, Snowboard Halfpipe, Snowboard Slopestyle, Freestyle Skiing, Halfpipe Freestyle, Skiing Slopestyle, Freestyle Skiing Aerials, Freestyle Skiing Moguls

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