Town & County

Kimball Junction traffic improvements could begin by 2027

SUMMIT COUNTY, Utah — The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) presented its preferred alternative for the Kimball Junction Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) at the Summit County Council meeting on March 26, with talks on timeline for the project.

Alternative C, labeled “Intersection Improvements with Pedestrian Enhancements,” had previously been identified as the preferred option after extensive analysis and public input. The alternative focuses on improving current intersections rather than reconstructing the entire interchange.

Alternative C for Kimball Junction. Photo: UDOT

“Alternative C will provide maximum flexibility for future compatibility, depending on how the area develops in the coming years,” said Becky Stromness, UDOT project manager. “Most importantly, it doesn’t preclude any elements of [Alternative] A that could potentially be implemented or built into the future.”

Key features of Alternative C include additional lanes on I-80 on and off ramps, a third lane in both northbound and southbound directions on State Road 224, additional turn lanes at ute and Olympic Parkway intersections, a new pedestrian underpass, and bike lanes along SR-224.

While the public comment period on the draft EIS continues until April 28, questions about construction timelines dominated the discussion.

UDOT is actively working to have the project included on the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), with those funding discussions likely to happen in early May during commission meetings.

In the meantime, UDOT is preparing to implement interim improvements at the Ute Boulevard intersection. Stromness said they are “starting to put together the procurement for design to start some intersection improvements,” including dual left turn lanes at Ute Boulevard.

Ute Blvd. highlighted. (Google Maps)

This smaller-scale project, estimated at $3-4 million, could begin construction as early as spring 2027 after design and right-of-way acquisition processes.

For the larger project, estimated around $50 million, the timeline remains less certain. Jeff Dupe, UDOT Region Two planning manager, explained that funding decisions will need to consider cash flow across multiple years.

“We’re really working hard to get this to the finish line,” Stromness said. The Final EIS and Record of Decision are expected later this year.

Public hearings are scheduled for April 9 at Ecker Middle School and April 10 via Zoom, where community members can learn more and provide comment on the preferred alternative.

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