Report of injured elk leads to temporary trail closure at Park City mountain

Photo: Utah DWR.
PARK CITY, Utah – Utah wildlife officials were contacted Monday after receiving a report of an injured elk on a trail at Park City Mountain Resort.
Park City mountain announced a closure on lower Seldom Seen near Three Kings lift. Trail users were asked to use CMG or Jenni’s as an alternative.
By the time DWR arrived, the elk had been pushed up above the trail about half a mile away. Officials said Park City staff will keep an eye on the elk, and will work with DWR if the elk moves back onto the trail.
“At this point, we have not dispatched staff to the scene and have not confirmed that the elk is in fact injured,” Faith Heaton Jolley, spokesperson for DWR said.
If anyone encounters the elk and if it looks like it’s injured or if it’s causing any safety issues for the public on the trail, they can report the elk to DWR’s Springville office at 801-491-5678.