Town & County
Mid-Mountain trailhead parking will double in size

A rendering of the expanded parking area on Marsac Ave. Photo: Park City Municipal
The popular trailhead along the Empire pass road will grow from 14 to 29 parking spots and be ready by mid-October
PARK CITY, Utah – The Mid-Mountain trailhead, located just above the Montage along Marsac Avenue, will be getting double the parking spots by mid-October.
The Park City Planning Commission approved the proposal to increase the number of parking spaces there from 14 to 29, which will ease the illegal parking that many trail users have been lured into as trail pressure in Park City increases.
The plan will also help alleviate safety concerns along the road. The existing trailhead parking lot requires vehicles to back onto Marsac Avenue, but the new parking area will be separated from the road and allow for a one-way entrance and exit. They will also build a vault toilet, a new kiosk with information, and room for parallel parking for vehicles with trailers.
Brighton Estates residents also rely on the parking lot in the winter months, when the road to Empire and Guardsman’s Pass is closed. The Planning Commission indicated that the current rules allowing residents to park there for a longer duration will remain in place.