
Coyotes active at Run-A-Muk, RTS

Do not run or turn away from coyotes, Basin Recreation warns

PARK CITY, Utah — Coyote activity has increased at Run-A-Muk dog park and around RTS trails, according to a Facebook post from Basin Recreation.

Basin Recreation has provided the following tips for recreating in open spaces:

  • Run-A-Muk is an an off-leash open space where wildlife may live or pass through. Dogs must be on leash or have an e-collar on RTS Open Space.
  • DO NOT allow dogs to pursue coyotes. Supervise your dogs at all times.
  • Let the coyotes know you are present by speaking loudly or waving your arms.
  • If a coyote approaches you, do not run or turn your back. Make yourself look as a big as possible, make noise or throw objects.
“Coyotes have a natural fear of humans and are not usually a threat,” said that Facebook post. “They are a sign of a healthy ecosystem and maintain populations of rodents and smaller predators. If you come across a coyote that is being aggressive or appears to be sick, please contact animal control or the sheriff’s office.”

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