
Help shape Utah Department of Agriculture and Food grant and business programs

UTAH — The Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (UDAF) has secured a significant grant of $3,043,040 from the USDA AMS Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure (RFSI) program.

The RFSI program aims to bolster the State’s food supply chain resilience for crops through state-coordinated initiatives, and fortify the food supply chain by bolstering markets for small farms and food businesses, enhancing consumer options with value-added products and fostering job growth.

This program will provide funds to expand capacity for processing, manufacturing, storing, transporting, wholesaling, and distributing locally and regionally produced food products. These include “specialty crops, dairy, grains, aquaculture, and other food products, excluding meat and poultry.”

In collaboration with the USDA, the State Department of Agriculture will offer “competitive subaward investments in middle-of-the-supply-chain infrastructure to domestic food and farm businesses, as well as other eligible entities”. This program ensures a more resilient and reliable food system for the future.

“We are incredibly excited about this funding opportunity. Through the RFSI program, the subawards we will be able to issue will make lasting improvements to Utah’s food supply chain,” said Caroline Hargraves, director of the marketing and economic development division UDAF.

“Local food security depends on the support of local agriculture and food businesses. This program will allow us to bring more locally grown and produced products to consumers

Caroline Hargraves. Photo: Courtesy of Caroline Hargraves // UDAF

right here in Utah,” Hargraves said. “Supporting local agriculture and food businesses is the backbone of rural economies. Initiatives like this help ensure the economic viability of rural communities, preserve our disappearing agricultural lands and open spaces, and improve consumer access to fresh, high-quality, locally grown foods.”

To ensure the best use of this grant and facilitate business development programs, UDAF is actively seeking public input. You can participate in a brief online survey designed to gather valuable insights.

The survey will remain open until August 17, 2023.

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