
2023 Utah deer and elk hunts: What hunters need to know

UTAH — The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources has provided some guidelines to ensure a successful hunt this season.

Here are a few key points to keep in mind:

Gear up and get ready

Whether you’re a skilled archer or prefer firearms, practicing regularly with your equipment is key. Familiarize yourself with your gear and hone your skills to ensure accurate shots when it counts.

Venture off the beaten path

For a successful deer or elk harvest this fall, it’s crucial to seek out hunting areas that are away from heavily-traveled roads. You’ll increase your chances of encountering these majestic creatures in the wilderness.

Cracking the code: rugged terrain signals

During the August archery hunts, mature bucks and does tend to separate. Keep an eye out for a surplus of does in a particular area, as it could be an indicator to relocate. Does prioritize fawn care and typically prefer areas abundant in water and gentle terrain, such as rolling aspen groves.

Pay attention to wind direction

One crucial tip for archery hunters is to pay close attention to the direction of the wind. By being aware of this factor, you can make necessary adjustments to ensure that your scent doesn’t reach the animals before you reach a favorable distance. It’s worth noting that the wind direction tends to shift as the sun heats the ground. For instance, in the morning, wind usually blows up canyons, whereas, in the afternoon, it tends to blow down them.

Prepare for any weather and possible emergencies

Always be prepared for various weather conditions and unexpected emergencies. It’s essential to have a well-equipped first-aid kit and ample water supply. Keep in mind that weather conditions in Utah’s mountains can change rapidly, transitioning from sunny to snowing within minutes. Therefore, ensure that you have appropriate clothing and sufficient supplies to tackle any weather challenge.

Utilize binoculars and embrace stealth

Achieving success during the archery hunt demands stealth and patience. Dedicate time to use binoculars and patiently survey areas to locate deer and identify their bedding spots. Once they have settled down, strategize your approach carefully, making every effort to maintain silence and approaching the deer from an angle that minimizes any scent detection.

Keep the meat fresh

In hot temperatures, especially during the archery hunt, the meat obtained from harvested animals can spoil rapidly. Cooling the meat as soon as possible after the harvest is crucial. Removing the hide and separating the meat from the bone significantly aids in this process. Additionally, utilizing a cooler or similar means of transportation can effectively lower the meat’s temperature, ensuring its freshness.

“Hunting should be fun, and you should enjoy it,” Rusty Robinson, DWR Once in a Lifetime coordinator, said on the Utah DNR website. “It’s a great time to see Utah’s amazing wildlife and to make memories with your family and friends. Get outdoors this fall and have an adventure or two in our beautiful state.”


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