Willow Creek among most popular pickleball courts in Utah

Play pickleball at Park City's Willow Creek Park lately? You're not the only one. Photo: Aleksander Saks
PARK CITY, Utah — According to Pickleheads, a national website which strives to bring people together to play pickleball in their communities, Park City’s Willow Creek Park courts are among the most popular in Utah.
Pickleheads has information on 13,000 courts in 5,000 cities. In their database:
- Salt Lake City- 17 courts
- St. George- 14 courts
- Ogden- 11 courts
- Orem and Logan- 8 courts each
- Park City- 5 courts
Willow Creek, with its eight individual courts, permanent lines, and permanent nets is among the most popular in the state. Also in the top three is Fairmont Park in Salt Lake City, rounded out by Wardle Fields in Bluffdale.
The Willow Creek courts are managed by Basin Recreation.
There are 207 pickleball courts in Utah and Utah has the 26th most pickleball courts in the United States.
Also, according to Utah Now, Utah is the state most interested in pickleball as it pertains to online search terms, googling pickleball-related words at a much higher rate than the second state, Arizona. Florida claimed the third most searches.