
Park City wildflowers in full bloom

PARK CITY, Utah — The wildflower bloom happening right now in Park City, Utah is absolutely gorgeous.

Nearly every trail in Park City is lined with vibrant blooming flowers both native and invasive. Yet another side effect of the record breaking snow year and wetter, cooler than average spring is this summers wildflower bloom.

A few tips for those interested in getting out to view the wildflower bloom.

  1. Stay on marked paths and trails.
  2. Think creatively about your photos and be cautious about what you share on social media for locations.
  3. If you can, time your visit to off-peak hours.
  4. Never, ever pick the flowers.

Alltrails offers a curated list of trails recommended for viewing wildflowers in Park City available here.

How good are you at identifying wildflowers?

Use the comments below to share your answers about what wildflowers are visible in each photo. *each image shared below was taken from the trail.

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