UDOT seeking feedback on proposed alternatives for Kimball Junction EIS

Evening traffic at Kimball Junction on SR 224. Photo: TownLift
PARK CITY, Utah — The Utah Department of Transportation is seeking feedback on its environmental impact statement (EIS) to improve traffic in the Kimball Junction area.
The comment period opened on April 28, and will close on May 28 at 11:59 p.m.

UDOT’s study area includes the I-80 and SR-224 interchange at Kimball Junction and SR-224 from Kimball Junction through the two intersections on SR-224 at Ute Boulevard and Olympic Parkway, and extends from milepost 143.2 to milepost 145.6 on I-80.
“We are asking the community to comment on the criteria, measures and data used to screen the alternatives in the EIS,” said the Kimball Junction EIS website. “These comments will help determine how an alternative is further analyzed. We will collect all questions and comments submitted throughout the public comment period and take them into consideration moving forward.”
Currently the proposed alternatives in the EIS include:
- Taking no action
- Alternative A: split-diamond interchange and intersection improvements
- Alternative B: grade-separated intersections with one-way frontage roads to the I-80 interchange
- Alternative C: intersection improvements with pedestrian enhancements
- Other reasonable alternatives (if identified during the EIS process)
For more information on the Kimball Junction EIS or to submit a comment, visit