Park City Planning Commission now accepting applications to fill two upcoming vacancies

Park City Municipal Town Hall. Photo: TownLift // Meredith Kluever
PARK CITY, Utah — Park City Municipal is currently seeking two residents to fill upcoming vacancies on the Planning Commission.
The Planning Commission is a seven-member board that serves as a long-range planning body for Park City; and meets the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Commissioners serve a four-year term. Two members of the commission, Christin Van Dine and John Kenworthy, have terms set to expire in 2023.
“Park City Municipal seeks interested, engaged, and eligible residents to serve on the seven-member Planning Commission,” said a statement from Park City Municipal. “The Planning Commission is a non-political and pivotal long-range planning body for Park City whose duties include General Plan, Moderate Income Housing Plan, annexation, subdivision, and Land Management Code amendment review and recommendation to City Council, and final action on conditional use permits, affordable master planned developments, and master planned developments.”
New Planning Commission members will be appointed by Mayor Nann Worel with the advice of the Park City Council.
There is priority for at lease one Commissioner to be a land use professional, with experience in a field such as construction, planning, architecture, or real-estate development.
Applications will close on May 15 at 5 p.m. Additional information and applications can be found here.