THRIVE youth well-being and life skills program registration open

Registration for children's mental wellness program THRIVE is open. Photo: Emmanuel Olguín
PARK CITY, Utah — Registration is now open for THRIVE, the free youth well-being and life skills program for kids in grades 6-12. The Thrive program is a virtual skills program with a preventative mental health initiative, developed by Webewell in partnership with Live Like Sam, that strengthens youth well-being and life coping skills. LLS and Webewell have partnered to help address the growing youth mental health crisis.
Thrive covers topics like creating healthy relationships, coping strategies for stress, and mindfulness and meditation.
Live Like Sam is subsidizing $150,000 of summer programming for up to 300 local Summit and Wasatch County youth who want to participate in the program. Students who have participated have experienced decreases in symptoms of depression and anxiety and an increase in youth quality of life and well-being.
Registration is free and students receive an $80 research stipend after completing the program.
Thrive students meet on Zoom for one hour a week for six weeks to learn and engage in well-being skills with up to 10 peers and a Thrive facilitator.
Registration for the spring session ends May 3 at midnight.
Youth well-being and life-skills programming; THRIVE helps teenagers tackle mental health