I-80 bridge construction in Wanship to cause traffic delays, width restrictions

An aeriel photo of I-80 near Wanship. Photo: Utah Department of Transportation
WANSHIP, Utah — Utah Department of Transportation crews began the second phase of the I-80 Bridges Improved project yesterday, which will focus on the bridges over Echo Dam Road and SR 32 in Wanship.
During this phase of work smaller bridge components such as bearings and compression joins will be replaced, potholes will be repaired, and a polymer overlay will be placed on the bridges. Construction is expected to continue through early June.
Traffic on the bridges will intermittently be reduced to one lane throughout the duration of construction. Drivers can expect daytime work from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday, minor traffic delays, and a reduced speed limit.
Lanes will be narrowed to 11 feet and shoulders narrowed to 2 feet. To avoid the lane width restriction, UDOT has provided the following directions for drivers hauling wide loads:
- I-80 bridges over Echo Dam Road
- Exit I-80 at Echo (Exit 169) and enter I-80 from the on-ramp at Echo
- I-80 bridges over SR-32 in Wanship
- Eastbound I-80: Exit eastbound I-80 at Wanship (Exit 155) and enter eastbound I-80 from the on-ramp at Wanship
- Westbound I-80: Exit westbound I-80 at Wanship (Exit 155), turn right on Old Lincoln Highway and turn left on SR-32 through Wanship