Highway 40 wind topples utility trailer

Trailer tips from wind causing traffic to back up in Park City. Photo: Michele Roepke // TownLift
PARK CITY, Utah — Saturday morning at 7:45 a white passenger pick up truck had the utility trailer it was towing tip onto its side due to the extensive west to east crosswinds.
The incident occurred near Exit 2 on Highway 40 heading South, near the Home Depot.
No other vehicles, structures, or people were involved and the driver of the truck was able to get out of his car, assess the damage, and direct traffic to safety until Highway Patrol arrived at 8:00 a.m.
Traffic cones were put out to merge the slow moving back up to the right lane.
At 8:30 a.m. cars were still being impacted as efforts clearing the scene had begun by authorities.