UDOT to install new wrong-way driver detection and alert systems

UDOT's new wrong-way warning signs alerting a driver. Photo: Utah Department of Transportation
UTAH — Earlier this week, the Utah Department of Transportation announced plans to install a system aimed at reducing the number of wrong-way drivers in 20 locations on Utah’s freeways.
In 2022 there were 8 wrong-way crashes in Utah, resulting in 10 fatalities.
“Wrong-way crashes are especially dangerous because they are typically head-on and at highway speeds,” said a press releasee from UDOT.
This new wrong-way detection and alert system consists of a detector unit with radar and infrared cameras, as well as a series of red wrong-way signs with LED lights.
If a vehicle continues to go the wrong way past the signs, UDOT and the Utah Highway Patrol are notified so that the driver can be tracked and stopped.
According to UDOT, this system is one of the most advanced in the country.
“We’re always looking at ways we can use technology to make our transportation system work better,” said Robert Miles, UDOT traffic and safety director. “This innovative system will help prevent wrong-way crashes, making our roads safer for everyone who uses them.”
This detection warning system was first installed last fall on the northbound off-ramp from Legacy Parkway at the I-15/Park Lane/US-89 interchange in Farmington. In the time that it has been active, the system has detected and alerted 23 wrong-way drivers, all of whom turned around.
Last week the the Utah Transportation Commission approved a request for $2.5 million in funding which will enable the detection system to be installed at an additional 20 locations, mostly along I-15 in Salt Lake City.