Arts & Entertainment
Local artist Allegretti uses art to discuss mental health

Photo: AD Allegretti and one of her murals – photo: courtesy AD Allegretti
PARK CITY, Utah – AD Allegretti moved from her hometown of Los Angeles to Park City in 2015 to pursue a life centered around snowboarding and the Wasatch Mountains. The artist didn’t anticipate how vital Park City’s tight-knit art community would be in launching her career as a full-time artist or how her creative pursuits would be a starting point for conversations about mental health.
“I found that when I moved to Park City, my artwork was well received by the community,” Allegretti said.
She brings a playful approach to making art by embracing a wide range of mediums. Her pieces vary from murals and wood paintings to adventure images and custom wearable pieces like helmets and jackets. Paint markers, markers, and drawings are the cornerstone of her work, yet she doesn’t tie herself down to a specific style.
“I get bored with one thing,” she said, explaining her attraction to various mediums. “It’s a genuine curiosity to try something new.”
Allegretti gifts herself the space to explore and dabble in many facets of visual art. And for her, that decision leaves room for growth.
“I’m still learning about myself and what I like to paint, draw, whatever it is; I think that’s really the crux of it. Not totally being sure,” she said. “There’s so much uncertainty in art… It’s not a conscious choice. It’s just going where the flow of the artwork takes me.”
Allegretti uses the creative process as a tool to reveal vulnerable facets of her life, and in turn, her art creates a platform to initiate discussions about mental health. The artist showcases her body of work on Instagram, and uses it as a catalyst for difficult conversations.
“I struggle with mental health issues. I think my art is sometimes a representation of those struggles,” she said. “Art is really powerful in that way. It can bring a light to things that aren’t talked about very often, like mental health… That’s also something that I’m really passionate about with my artwork… Being a vessel to connect with people who share similar struggles.”
To peruse Allegretti’s conversation-evoking posts about mental health and her portfolio, visit her Instagram page or Etsy to purchase her artwork.