Nearly 900 without power near Park City Hospital

Photo: Rocky Mountain Power
Update 11:31 a.m. – Power has been restored to all but 10 customers in the area. Rocky Mountain Power estimates that all power will be restored by 3:30 p.m. today.
PARK CITY, Utah — Rocky Mountain Power is currently working to restore a power outage affecting nearly 900 residents near the Park City Hospital.
According to Jona Whitesides, a spokesperson for Rocky Mountain Power, this outage can be attributed to downed power lines from wet, heavy snow.
“The systems obviously have to carry a certain amount of voltage, if not, they lockout,” Whitesides said. “Kind of like a breaker, right? A breaker in a home either got too little or too much voltage in it, and it will lock out. And the reason for that is because we have reports of lines down, which isn’t surprising.”
According to Whitesides, power should be restored before 11 a.m. today.