Thaynes Canyon overflow parking summer assessment previews mix of challenges, successes in mitigation

This summer's overflow parking short-term plan was executed to mitigate impact to the Thaynes Canyon Drive neighborhood and PCMC will implement a short-term plan through the winter. Photo:
PARK CITY, Utah — This spring and summer, overflow parking at Thaynes Canyon Drive near the Park City Municipal Golf Course was addressed with a temporary plan and formal parking assessment to mitigate neighborhood impact. The informal parking area has been used for decades and is next to the golf course’s driving range.
The Park City Golf Course shares a location and building with Hotel Park City and Ruth’s Chris; golfers, vacationers, and diners quickly fill the below-ground and ground-level parking lots, leaving the informal overflow parking available.
At a July 21, 2022, City Council Meeting, Council approved a contract with Kimley-Horn to conduct a parking study of the Hotel Park City property, including a review of parking supply, demand, and conditions related to the use of Thaynes Canyon area. The scope included an assessment of the development’s existing entitlements and a review of transportation demand management (TDM) strategies. Kimley-Horn conducted three site visits in August to collect parking data. Its final report is anticipated for next month and will be presented to Council and the community in December.
According to the City Council staff report on the subject, the Municipal Golf Team started implementing short-term mitigation strategies this May:
- Overflow parking along Thaynes Canyon/driving range was controlled primarily by roping off the area when not in use
- The overflow parking area was utilized 33 times or 19% of the allowed days between May 2-October 20
- Eight carpool-only parking spaces within the parking structure were initially signed but later removed due to abuse by users and the inability to monitor compliance with existing employee resources
- Approximately 100 buckets of free driving range balls were distributed to golf course users who used alternative transportation (carpooled, rode transit, walked, or biked) to get to the golf course
- 264 discounted rounds of golf were given out to golfers who carpooled
- 21 parking tickets were issued on or near the site since May 19
- One vehicle was towed
- The Police and Parking department regularly responded to calls for service, and the Golf Team made considerable efforts to manage a large parking area not easily visible from the front desk.
In the winter months, the golf course is transformed by snow into popular cross-country skiing courses overseen by White Pine Touring. Park City Municipal is working with White Pine Touring to develop another seasonal, short-term parking plan for winter.
A rope barricade is used in the warmer months, while winter will use a flip-sign because of the need to groom and pack the area daily and snowplowing.