PCFD extinguished another I-80 vehicle fire before it spread

Photo: Vehicle fire on October 7, 2022 courtesy of Park City Fire District
SUMMIT COUNTY, Utah — At approximately 2:45 p.m. on October 7, Park City Fire District responded to a call about another vehicle fire on I-80 eastbound.
Four emergency vehicles responded to the scene and were able to quickly extinguish the fire, which had spread to nearby grass on the side of the road.
Luckily, none of the three passengers in the vehicle were harmed in the fire.
Aimee Trepanier Preston was one of the passengers, and said the following about the fire on Facebook:
“I have lived in park city for 18 years and have seen many car fires on the side of I-80 and never expected to be one of them. After my vehicle malfunctioned and lost brakes suddenly, luckily going up the hill, we lost control, did what I think was a figure-eight or maybe two 360’s, and ended up on the side of the road. It was a miracle we did not hit another vehicle and ended up coming to a stop facing the direction of traffic safely on the side of the road. All three passengers were able to quickly exit the vehicle. The car was quickly engulfed in flames and we had a couple extremely kind people pull over and try to put the fire out with handheld fire extinguishers which did not work. They brought us water and were so kind to offer help and words of support. The fire dept. was there within about 10 minutes and had the flames out almost immediately. Thank you to all the emergency responders for your swift response. I am sure you saved a potential wildfire that could have been devastating. The three of us that were in the vehicle are feeling very lucky to be alive today.”