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Deer Valley’s Burns Lift expansion opens door for direct access to Baldy Peak terrain

PARK CITY, Utah — The upcoming winter season at Deer Valley Resort will have a key change for ski school instructors, beginner skiers, and advanced skiers alike with the extension of the Burns Lift, which is currently under construction.

“The reconfiguration of the chairlifts and surface lifts will greatly improve the beginner experience for both the public as well as students in lessons. The surface lift layout will allow for a lot of practice on skis without needing to worry about the pressure of getting on or off of a chairlift. The new Burns Express will allow skiers to access some of the easiest green runs on the mountain. This is exciting for students, both young and old,” said Rob Sogard, VP of Skier Services.

Prior to the expansion, access to runs off Little Baldy Peak required taking blue runs, making it difficult for beginners to reach. Now that there is a direct route, skiers of all abilities will be able to access multiple green, blue and black runs.

The expansion of the now Burns Express Lift was part of a $6 million investment that also provided upgrades to the Snowflake Lift and other improvements. 60,000 cubic yards of dirt were added to regrade Wide West and Gnat’s Eye, a green run off Little Bald Mountain, allowing for the run to both be wider and have a pitch in line with beginner terrain.

The current timeline for the project has the opening for the burns express lift to happen by the end of December.

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