Sunrise Rotary Club awards $20,000 in community grants

Photo: Beneficiaries of Sunrise Rotary Club’s community grants. Photo: Sunrise Rotary Cub
SUMMIT COUNTY, Utah – The Park City Sunrise Rotary Club awarded community grants totaling $20,000 on Thursday, June 21. Over $70,000 worth of grant requests were submitted to the Club this spring.
The grants were awarded at the Club’s 7:30 a.m. meeting. In order to quickly describe the program the funding will support, representatives from each group are invited to attend the meeting.
The annual Longest Shotski Competition hosted on Park City’s famed Main Street serves as one of the program’s primary revenue sources. The Shotski event for this year will take place on October 15.
Since 2007, Sunrise Rotary has given out community grants, and the Club has given out $296,850 through this program alone.
Grant awards were based on:
- Alignment with the Rotary mission, values, and areas of service.
- Having a significant scope of impact on our community.
- Club members must show an interest and involvement in the organization requesting the donation. Preference is given to those requests that involve Rotarians in service projects related to the organization.
“The Sunrise Rotary Club is proud to be able to support our community in this way,” said Kim Kerr, co-chair of the Community Grants Committee. “Our members believe in ‘service above self,’ and this is one way we show commitment.”
“Our club’s mission is to improve the quality of life in our community and beyond through active service that effects tangible change,” said Gage Farinacci, president of Sunrise Rotary. “We believe these projects embody that value.”
Community Grants:
Organization, brief description of what the grant will be used for
- Aggies Elevated at Utah State University, Peer mentor support for a first-generation college student from Park City
- Alf Engen Ski Museum Foundation, Hometown Heroes exhibit
- Art Empowers, Expenses for adult facilitators
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah, Community activities that support the mentoring program
- Children’s Justice Center, ADA-compliant update to the home’s landscaping
- Christian Center, Food pantry
- CONNECT Summit County, Educational materials
- EATS Park City, Supplemental meals for children
- Friends of Ski Mountain Mining History, Stabilization of the Alliance Watchman Cabin
- GFWC Park City Athenaeum Club, Bookin’ on Home project
- Habitat for Humanity SWC, Community financial education and access to affordable housing resources; and the Silver Creek Village Affordable Housing project
- Hope Alliance, Vision equipment for new optometric clinic
- Interact Club of South Summit High School, Financial curriculum for South Summit High School Interact students
- Leadership Park City, Class 28’s project – survey costs of senior housing needs
- Mountain Mediation Center, Eviction Diversion programming
- Mountainlands Community Housing Trust, Web-based housing assistance materials in Spanish
- Nuzzles & Co., General operations expenses
- Park City Film Series, Reel Community Series
- Park City LGBTQ Taskforce, Event expenses
- Park City READS, Elevating Literacy Program
- Park City Sailing Association, Scholarship funding for underserved youth
- Park City School District Adult Education, PCSD adult education program meals
- PCSD Dual Language Immersion, Educational materials for 1st Grade DLI Spanish classroom
- Park City Summit County Arts Council, Artist stipends for the gallery strolls
- Park City Tots Inc., Tuition scholarships for low-income families
- Peace House, Supplies for the Prevention Education and Community Awareness program
- People’s Health Clinic, Program expenses – health care for the uninsured
- Saddle of Love, Scholarships for low-income youth to receive mental health services
- Summit Community Gardens, Expansion of the youth education program
- Summit County Clubhouse, Member Opportunity Fund
- Summit County Public Art Advisory Board, Art Pianos for All program
- Summit Land Conservancy, Materials for an access gate to Marchant Meadows
- Swaner Preserve and EcoCenter, Supplies for the volunteer program
- Weilenmann School of Discovery, Teacher appreciation gifts
- Winter Sports School, Supplies to support the new expansion
- Youth Sports Alliance, Scholarships for low-income students to participate in after-school programs