
Park City’s Jewish Community celebrates its 25th Anniversary

PARK CITY, Utah — On Saturday night at The Stein Eriksen Lodge, more than 200 people from the community-at-large celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the Temple Har Shalom.

Dan Friefeld, Temple Har Shalom 25th Anniversary Celebration Committee Chairman, and Nancy Friefeld, event organizer (along with Kathy Lynch, not pictured), Woman of Har Shalom President.
Dan Friefeld, Temple Har Shalom 25th Anniversary Celebration volunteer Committee Charman, and Nancy Friefeld, 25th event co-organizer (along with Kathy Lynch, not pictured,) and President of the Women of Har Shalom. Photo: Michele Roepke

In preliminary planning phases since 2017 to originally be held in the Spring of 2020, attendees were glad to finally gather after the global pandemic paused the festivities. 

Rabbi David Levinsky told me, “This event is more than a celebration of 25 years of Temple Har Shalom in Park City. We are celebrating that we will be here in 100 years as well.”

As old and new friends dined and danced to the singing and playing of Park City’s Rich Wyman and Lisa Needham, they laughed and chatted about fond memories like the Torah Trek. That was when the Torah was walked, in a snowstorm, from the Prospector neighborhood, one of many small spaces rented by the Community, to the newly-built Temple. There were stories from those who were there to the newer members about how, at the dining table of a past president, the name Temple Har Shalom came to be, evolving from the first name, Park City Jewish Community Center.

There were giggles and high-fives at the tales of the who’s who that presided over the continued Friday afternoon Ski Shul at Deer Valley. Also, pride of how the Women of Har Shalom has been formed including the Hinienu Caring Committee providing outreach throughout the pandemic. The creation of the closely-associated Lebwohl Food Pantry in Salt Lake City had people feeling the philanthropy. Lastly, becoming a Sundance Film Festival venue was a popular topic.

Luckily, if not everyone heard those accounts, they were all recounted in a commemorative coffee table book, one of which everybody took home.

Alix and Sean Railton, 2022 Habonim recipients recognized for their immeasurable overall dedication and volunteering contributions to Temple Har Shalom.
Alix and Sean Railton, 2022 Habonim recipients recognized for their immeasurable overall dedication and volunteering contributions to Temple Har Shalom. Photo: Michele Roepke
Deb Sheldon, Executive Director, said to me, “We’re celebrating the vision of our founding members, gathering to celebrate 25 years of the Temple Har Shalom Community. It’s a community that’s welcoming and dedicated to keeping a Jewish presence in Park City.”

In the coming weeks, a Time Capsule will be buried on the grounds of the Temple so the spirit and story of Judaism in Park City can be equally enjoyed 25 years from now.

Park City Mayor's resolution recognizing July 12, 2020 as "Temple Har Shalom Day" for it's 25th Anniversary Celebration.
Park City Mayor’s resolution recognizing July 12, 2020 as “Temple Har Shalom Day” for it’s 25th Anniversary Celebration. Photo: Michele Roepke
Summit County's Proclimation declaring July 12, 2020 as Temple Har Shalom Day in celebration of the 25th Anniversary.
Summit County’s Proclimation declaring July 12, 2020 as Temple Har Shalom Day in celebration of the 25th Anniversary. Photo: Michele Roepke
Utah Governor's Declaration for the Temple Har Shalom's 25th Anniversary.
Utah Governor’s Declaration for the Temple Har Shalom’s 25th Anniversary. Photo: Michele Roepke
L to R, Stan Hadar, Reyna Hadar, Board member Temple Har Shalom, Jennifer Isreal, Board member, Temple Har Shalom, Hank Israel.
L to R, Stan Hadar, Reyna Hadar, Board member Temple Har Shalom, Jennifer Isreal, Board member, Temple Har Shalom, Hank Israel. Photo: Michele Roepke
Beano Solomon, Board member, Temple Har Shalom/Women of Har Shalom, and Carl Roepke.
Beano Solomon, Board member, Temple Har Shalom and Women of Har Shalom, and Carl Roepke. Photo: Michele Roepke
Elissa Oshinsky, Board member, Women of Har Shalom/Hinienu Caring Committee Co-Chairwoman and Bill Oshinsky, Board member, Temple Har Shalom.
Elissa Oshinsky, Board member, Women of Har Shalom/Hinienu Caring Committee Co-Chairwoman and Bill Oshinsky, Board member, Temple Har Shalom. Photo: Michele Roepke
Richard Shienberg, former Board member, Temple Har Shalom, and Jill Shienberg, consumate volunteer.
Richard Shienberg, former Board member, Temple Har Shalom, and Jill Shienberg, consumate volunteer. Photo: Michele Roepke
Dr. Steven Powell, Board member, Temple Har Shalom, advised through the pandemic, and Herma Powell.
Dr. Steven Powell, Board member, Temple Har Shalom, advised through the pandemic, and Herma Powell. Photo: Michele Roepke
Jewish community mixing and mingling.
Jewish community mixing and mingling. Photo: Michele Roepke





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