Town & County
UDOT begins pavement maintenance on S.R. 150

SR-150 Lower Project. Photo: UDOT.
SUMMIT COUNTY, Utah. — On Monday The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) began pavement maintenance on S.R. 150 from MP 38.98 near Sulphur Campground to MP 48.40 at the Bear River Service. The project is expected to take two to three months to complete and will take place Monday through Thursday from sunrise to sunset, causing some traffic delays.
SR-150 Lower Project:
UDOT will be improving two sections of roadway 14 miles East of Kamas on S.R. 150. This Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) is part of UDOT’s effort to enhance safety along this stretch of roadway. The work will include installing rumble strips, guardrail and widening of the asphalt surface at varied locations. Additionally, extra safety related roadway signage, striping and enhanced drainage/erosion controls are to be installed.
Starting by Late-June, one-way alternating traffic is expected, with temporary rumble strips to alert drivers as they approach the work zone. Temporary signals and flaggers will be utilized to navigate traffic through the work zone. One lane in each direction will be maintained when crews are not working, including weekends.

SR-150 Upper Project:
UDOT is set to perform pavement maintenance on S.R. 150 from the Sulphur Campground to the Bear River Service in Summit County. This project will improve the driving surface for the area, address roadway deficiencies, and improve roadway safety.
The project consists of rehabilitating the current pavement by leveling travel lanes with asphalt where needed, placing a chip seal on the roadway surface to provide better traction, replacing of pavement markings and necessary signs, and conducting maintenance at the bridges located at milepost 45.6 and 48.3. All work will be limited to the existing roadway.

During maintenance, drivers can expect one lane in each direction to be maintained when crews are not working including weekends. Additionally, flagging operations will take place in three mile sections. Approximately 15-minute delays are anticipated. Drivers are encouraged to pay close attention to the flaggers, pilot trucks, and signs in the area.