Draper family encounters mountain lion in backyard

A Draper family had a surprise guest this last weekend as a sizable mountain lion made its way into their backyard and proceeded to walk right up to their back door. Photo: Photo by Priscilla Du Preez
DRAPER, Utah — A Draper family had a surprise guest this last weekend as a sizable mountain lion made its way into their backyard and proceeded to walk right up to their back door.
The Meyers family, who lives in the Suncrest neighborhood of Draper, have become quite accustomed to seeing wildlife right in their backyard. However, while the Meyers have seen their fair share of deer, coyotes, and even porcupine, never before had a mountain lion waltzed onto their property.
As shown by one of their home security cameras, the mountain line scaled the Meyers back fence, joined by what appeared to be a few unfriendly coyotes. It then walked right through the open gate and up to the Meyers back door as it made its way along the side of the house in an attempt to flee the coyotes. However, after realizing there was no way through, the mountain lion went back through the fence and into the wild.
“That’s just absolutely incredible,” David Meyers told KSL. “We came from South Africa four years ago, and we never expected to see anything like this. Just going through our gate, standing in front of our property — just amazing.”
After posting the video to the Suncrest neighborhood Facebook page, Meyers was told that this was the first documented sighting of a mountain lion in the area.
Despite encountering the fierce animal, the Meyers have no fear whatsoever and understand that certain wildlife appearances are just a part of living in Utah.
“Yes, there is a risk of always having wild animals, but I think people accept that risk. That’s a risk you make,” David told KSL.