Deer Valley marketing exec Coleen Reardon announces Summit County Council run

Coleen Reardon registering to run for Summit County Council on Monday. Photo: Coleen Reardon
SUMMIT COUNTY, Utah — On Monday, the first day the election filing window opened, Vice President of Marketing for Deer Valley Resort Coleen Reardon announced she is running for Summit County Council.
“The issues we face in Summit County are not new and becoming worse. Transportation and affordable housing issues are at a crucial impasse,” Reardon said in a prepared statement.
“I pledge to advocate for and work towards collaborative solutions for these issues, driven by the voices of the citizens of this county. I am passionate about listening to the community and acting on the needs and concerns expressed.”
She will soon transition from vice president of marketing to a senior advisor position at Deer Valley.
Reardon began her ski industry career at Snowbird, climbing the ladder from the ticket office to communications manager. During her tenure at the resort, she became one of the first two women to be a summer tram operator.
She came to Deer Valley in 1994, where she was the resort’s first-ever communications manager. Years later, she was promoted to director of marketing, then ultimately to her position today.
She moved to Park City in 1998, “when housing was more affordable.”
Reardon joins former Snyderville Basin Planning Commissioner Canice Harte and Francis Mayor Byron Ames in running for council seat E, which currently belongs to Chair Glenn Wright. Wright has said he will not run for reelection.
More excerpts from Reardon’s statement:
For 28 years, I have had the honor to actively serve this community. Including sitting on the boards of the Sundance Institute Utah Advisory Committee, Ski Utah and Park City Chamber and Visitors Bureau (PCCB) Marketing Committees, the former Park City Jazz Festival, and the Youth Sports Alliance (YSA).
I am currently serving on the Park City Hospital Board and the PCCB Board of Directors and Executive Committee (third term and was President of the organization in 2002). I have been a recipient of the Utah Business Magazine SAMY award (Sales and Marketer of the Year) and was previously named the Woman of the Year by the Park City Woman’s Business Network.
I know what it means to work hard, succeed and I look forward to engaging in the election process. I would be proud and honored to work for the citizens of Summit County and hope you will consider supporting me.