
Masks now required at Parley’s Park Elementary

PARK CITY, Utah β€” Parley’s Park Elementary School (PPES) announced that masks or face shields will now be required for all students, faculty, and administrative staff during the school day, including after-school extracurricular activities.

On October 31, PPES reached the 2% threshold of positive Covid cases.

A public health order issued by Summit County Health Director Dr. Phil Bondurant in August requires face-coverings if any individual elementary school campus reaches a two percent 14-day COVID-19 positivity rate among the total number of students, staff and faculty.

According to PPES Covid data, the school currently has 11 cases, which makes its positivity rate 1.85% (last updated Monday night). As long as the threshold stays below 2%, the mask requirement will end on November 14.



“El 31 de Octubre de 2021, la Escuela Primaria Parley’s Park ha alcanzado el Umbral de activaciΓ³n de la Orden de uso obligatorio de mascarillas para todos los estudiantes, la facultad y el personal administrativo y Γ©sta entrarΓ‘ en vigencia el Lunes 1 de Noviembre de 2021. Cada estudiante deberΓ‘ llegar a la escuela preparado con una mΓ‘scara.
Se puede encontrar informaciΓ³n adicional en la carta adjunta.”

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