Town & County
Dec. 1 Dakota Pacific public input session will take place at the Newpark Hotel

The Newpark Town Center in Kimball Junction. Photo: TownLift
SUMMIT COUNTY, Utah — Summit County announced that the December 1 public input session about the controversial Dakota Pacific project will take place at the Newpark Hotel Conference Center in Kimball Junction at 6 p.m.
When entering the facility, the conference center is located straight up the stairs. There will be signage on-site to guide attendees.
The county council meeting will be in session prior to public input at 6 p.m., and normal operations of the hotel will be ongoing.
“We ask that attendees please be mindful of these proceedings when they arrive,” Summit C0unty said in a press release.
“Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Summit County encourages attendees to attend the meeting virtually via Zoom. Public input will be taken by all in-person and Zoom attendees who wish to speak. Both in-person and online comments will be part of the official record.”
To participate in the public input session, join the ZOOM webinar at OR to listen by phone only: Dial 1-301-715-8592, Webinar ID: 772 302 472.
The hearing was initially set to be held at Ecker Hill Middle School, however, the Park City School District pulled out due to Covid concerns.