Tomorrow is the last day to vote in the primary election

Photo: Parker Malatesta
PARK CITY — Tomorrow, August 10 is the last day to drop off a ballot for the Park City primary election for Mayor and City Council.
Mail-in ballots must be postmarked by today, August 9, in order to be counted.
You can find drop boxes at:
- Park City Municipal Marsac Building – 445 Marsac Avenue, Park City
- The Market in Snow Creek Plaza – 1500 Snow Creek Drive, Park City
There will also be a Voter Information Center at City Offices on August 10 from 7 am to 8 pm. People that need to register, have lost their ballots or did not get a ballot can come in to vote.
The primary will cut the mayoral candidates to a pair and halve the number of council candidates to four.
You can read through Townlift’s coverage of the candidates here.
Voters in Oakley and Coalville will also head to the polls this November to select a new Mayor and two city council members.
Similar to Park City, the mayoral candidates will be cut to two and council candidates to four in this month’s primary.