PC Schools are recommending facemask use in light of H. B. 1007

The Park City School District building on Kearns Blvd. Photo: TownLift // Bailey Edelstein
PARK CITY, Utah — The Park City School District (PCSD) recently announced that facemasks will not be required for students and staff this upcoming school year.
However, facemasks are still “encouraged” for all vaccinated and non-vaccinated people entering the school.
Per H. B. 1007, signed into law by Gov. Cox in May, the public education system cannot enact mask mandates.
“At this time, we are maintaining the mitigation strategies that helped us to keep schools open in 2020/2021,” said Mike Tanner, Chief Operations Officer of the PCSD. “In the event your child experiences a fever, sore throat, runny/stuffy nose, loss of taste or smell, it is important to keep your child at home for the duration of their illness and adhere to the UDOH/SCHD guidelines for safe return to school.”
The school district is also recommending facemask use on buses.
Students will return to school on Thursday, August 19.
Half-Day Fridays will be in place across all schools in the district for the entire year.
“Thank you for your partnership and support as we work together to navigate this return to a “new normal” by prioritizing the health, safety, and well-being of our students, our staff, our families and our community,” wrote PCSD Superintendent Jill Gildea.