Park City Coffee Roaster forced to cut hours because of staffing shortage

For the time being, Park City Coffee Roasters will be closing at 2 pm because of staffing shortages. Photo: Parker Malatesta
PARK CITY, Utah — Due to labor shortages, Park City Coffee Roaster in Kimball Junction is cutting its operating hours.
The shop will be closing at 2 pm every day, rather than staying open until the usual 6 pm.
Rob Hibl, the owner of Park City Coffee Roaster, said the schedule change will likely last a month. It all depends on when they can hire more baristas.
A barista at the shop said they’ve never had to change their hours because of something like this before.
Hibl said they have raised their starting wage from $10 an hour to $13. With tips, he said baristas can expect to make about an average of $20 an hour.
With that increase, he expects to find workers sometime soon.
If you’re interested in working at the coffee shop, call Rob Hibl at 435-731-0482