PARK CITY, Utah, — It’s raining today aiding the ongoing efforts of fire officials.
The Parley’s Canyon Fire has prompted up-to-the-minute updates on what the community is focused on. Here’s what the community has not additionally necessarily needed to be focused on:
~ Not a national (July 4), state (Pioneer Day) or local (Miner’s Day) holiday
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~ Not Extreme Cup soccer, Arts Fest, or Triple Crown baseball
~ Not during the height of second homeowners stays
~ Not while hotels or Airbnbs are near capacity
~ Not when grocery stores are packed with people
~ Not as restaurants have lines out the door
~ Not like dog boarding facilities are booked up
Time, space, and energy for caring, sharing, and helping are readily available.
The red carpet treatment that locals are used to rolling out to out-of-towners, gets to be laser-focused onto the locals themselves.
I've lived in Park City for 30 years but right off the starting line, my journalism professors expressed plaudits after class for writing more so about the small-town sports in the surrounding mountains than the urban updates they assigned. Therefore, I’m on par punning and penning Parkites' pastimes. Turning high and early through my career, I’ve worked communications for The Olympics, the Paralympics and the Special Olympics. Additionally, there's been National Geographic, Patagonia, NCAA, USA Nordic and the United States Library of Congress, so I guess you could say this ain't my first rodeo.