National champs among Park City High School mtn. bike team

National Champions from among the Park City High School mountain Bike team Photo: Chris Best (Facebook)
ST. GEORGE, Utah. — Today, by a combination of hard work, good timing, and partnering with a group of cyclists in St George, several athletes from the Park City High School mountain bike team can now call themselves national champions. Abi, Catherine, Charlie, Trace, Hale & Derek more than carried their weight and helped lift the Accel Cycling team to the D1 (large team) in the first-ever high school national team title.
“I am super proud of all of them. The work they put in to get here was impressive. I’ve said it many times – this is a hard, hard sport. While riding bikes is always fun, training to get to this level requires a lot of ‘not fun’ time on the bike. These six stepped up and reaped the rewards. None of them came into this as star riders. Just like everyone else on this team, they are a bunch of kids who loved riding bikes, and somewhere along the way they decided to see just how far they can go. Congratulations to all the riders, coaches and parents who made this happen,” said coach Chris Best on social media.