JOB: Events and Youth Coalition Coordinator

In order to address the ongoing youth substance use and suicide prevention needs of our community’s youth, Communities That Care is hiring. Photo: Melissa Askew
PARK CITY, Utah. — Communities that Care Summit County is hiring a contract employee for an average of 25 hours per week, starting at $20 per hour with opportunities to grow. The position is Program/Events and Youth Coalition Coordinator, more details are below.
Who we are:
Communities That Care Summit County is the prevention coalition for Summit County, Utah.
The mission of Communities That Care Summit County is to collaboratively improve the lives of youth and families by fostering a culture of health through prevention.
Our Organizational Pillars are integrity, compassion, equity, collaboration, and commitment. We are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and are firm supporters of our LGBTQ+ community. Interested persons who are queer, non-binary, trans, BIPOC, Indigenous, or disabled are encouraged to apply.
In order to address the ongoing youth substance use and suicide prevention needs of our community’s youth, Communities That Care is hiring a Program/Events and Youth Coalition Coordinator.
The primary responsibilities include:
- The Youth Coalition and Program Coordinator will directly report to the Executive Director for Communities That Care
- Manage and facilitate all correspondence with youth in coordination with the CTC Communication and Project Specialist
- Convene the CTC youth coalition monthly to bring the youth voice into the center of our prevention work
- Work directly with youth club leaders in all 3 Summit County School Districts to break down silos and open up a space of collaboration for all mental health and prevention work by youth
- Facilitate Youth Focus Groups and key informant interviews as advised by Executive Director and Communications Specialist
- Convene an annual Summit County Youth Coalition Summit to provide skills, training, community connectedness, and leadership opportunities for youth mental health leaders
- Coordinate all programmatic aspects of Vibe Outside: registration, communication, coordinate schedules, liability waivers, insurance compliance of partner organizations,etc. in concert with the Executive Director and Communication and Project Specialist
- Support CTC’s PSA task force with developing campaigns targeting youth substance use and mental health annually with CTC youth coalition members with support from the Communication Specialist
- Seek opportunities with coalition members to collaborate on prevention programs and events
- Coordinate implement logistics for prevention-related events
- Support Youth Leaders with managing TikTok / Instagram / Social Media
- Build strong relationships as the trusted representative for CTC at community and school district events in order to expand the community’s recognition of CTC and encourage engagement and accessing our resources
- Serve as a youth point of contact, coordinating and managing the partnerships and logistics of all CTC programs and events – both youth and adult
- Develop and facilitate a robust youth coalition to bring the youth voice to the center of our prevention work
- Provide opportunities for a positive connection between youth and trusted adult role models
- Foster youth development of resilience and leadership skills
- Facilitate coordination and collaboration between all youth mental health-oriented clubs in Summit County
- Provide program management for Vibe Outside – a program designed to promote healthy development, authentic friendships, and connection to nature for Summit County youth age 11-17.
- Support youth as leaders as substance-free role models for their peers
- Build community capacity for youth substance use and mental health prevention work
- Build and nurture coalition member partnerships in order to collaborate on events related to our mission and vision. Actively seek opportunities to work together
- Bachelor’s degree is preferred but not required
- Those with relevant experience are encouraged to apply
- Passion for health and positive youth development
- Pass a background check
- Strong communication and organizational skills
- A preferred resident of Summit County
- Strong letters of recommendation
Required Skills:
- Self-starter and leader
- Bilingual is preferred but not required
Please send a resume, 2 letters of recommendation, and 3 references to:
Mary Christa Smith at