Fireworks banned in Summit County through the holiday weekend
Photo: Mike Enerio
SUMMIT COUNTY, Utah — The Park City Fire District wants to remind residents and visitors that due to the current drought conditions, fireworks are restricted throughout Park City and the Snyderville Basin. No consumer fireworks are allowed to be used on any public or private property.
Fireworks and open fires are also banned in all of Summit County and Wasatch County.
Fire restrictions are set by the municipalities in Salt Lake County. You can visit this interactive map from the United Fire Authority to find out what the rules are in your area.
You can also go to this website to see restrictions that are in place across all of Utah. There has been a significant reduction in fires recently, the Governor credits the widespread advocacy of wildfire safety.
Almost the entirety of Utah is experiencing extreme drought.
You can contact the Fire Prevention Bureau at (435) 940-2532 with any questions.