Drones: Know the rules, know your rights

No-fly zones for drones in Park City include the red shaded areas pictured here, which are the ski resorts. Photo: Park City Police Department
PARK CITY, Utah. — They’re super popular and capture amazing photos and video. But while people increasingly rely upon the bird’s eye views and detailed visual data drones provide, they are also finding that drones can be beyond annoying – and even dangerous.
As drones become more prevalent, and reports of drone-related conflicts spike, a quick review of rules and regulations for their operation may help their owners straighten up and fly right. And knowing one’s rights as a citizen who may be hanging out underneath one of them can’t hurt either.
Drone usage falls under the jurisdiction of local law enforcement agencies; namely, the Park City Police Department and the Summit County Sheriff’s Department. Additionally, the national Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) sets and enforces drone guidelines and laws.
Drones are allowed in and around the town and county. After the FAA relaxed its restrictions on drone operation recently, permits are no longer required for regular usage, said Park City Police Captain Phil Kirk.
The website B4UFly live map is linked on the Summit County web page and keeps drone pilots up to date on where it’s safe for drones to fly.
Park City Mountain, Deer Valley Resort and the Utah Olympic Park are off-limits to drones as they are private property.
Drones have gotten caught in the crosshairs of firefighting recently; their presence in the sky can interfere with emergency equipment and impede efforts to save nature, wildlife, structures and lives.
The Park City government makes it easy to apply for a Drone Film Permit, which is required for special and commercial events.
Below, find further pertinent information: