
Majority of Park City businesses plan to continue mask requirement after mandate lifted

PARK CITY, Utah. — The Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau today announced results of its recent survey of more than 400 businesses regarding masks, and found a decisive majority plan to keep COVID safety practices in place through May.

Of the businesses surveyed, 68% believe the city and county should continue the mask mandate through at least May 31st (another 3% were neutral). Similarly, 58% of participating businesses do not believe the city and county should follow the state when it rescinds its mask mandate April 10th (another 10% were neutral).

The survey also found that 72% of respondents indicated they will continue to require face coverings in their places of business regardless of the state mandate.

“Many of the concerns that were expressed in the survey regard the safety of employees and the community,” said Dan Howard, Director of Communications.

“We’re not encouraging businesses either way,” said Jennifer Wesselhoff, president of the bureau. “We’re going to support whatever they decide to do. Many of the businesses felt that April 10 is just a little too early, many of their employees aren’t going to be vaccinated in time.”

She added that the politicization of masks makes the subject a difficult one to discuss.

The survey was created to answer city and county questions about local businesses’ plans and preferences around COVID protocols following the state legislature’s passage of its “Pandemic Endgame” bill this month, which set April 10 as the date the current mask mandate will be lifted.


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