Utah Sen. Romney Working to Raise Minimum Wage

U.S. Senator Mitt Romney Photo: U.S. Senate
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah. — This morning Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, announced on Twitter that he and Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ar., are introducing a bill to increase the minimum wage. Romney said the bill would also make sure that undocumented immigrants could not be hired by businesses. Sen. Cotton said on Twitter this bill would ‘protect American workers.’
According to the Salt Lake Tribune‘s article, “Romney recently told Utah reporters that he would favor perhaps raising it to $10 an hour, up from $7.25, and set it to rise automatically with inflation after that.”
Additional details of the bill will be announced next week.
Congress hasn’t raised the minimum wage in more than a decade, leaving many Americans behind. Our proposal gradually raises the minimum wage without costing jobs, setting it to increase automatically with inflation, and requires employers to verify the legal status of workers.
— Senator Mitt Romney (@SenatorRomney) February 16, 2021