Snowshoe in Park City’s Swaner Nature Preserve

The Swaner Nature Preserve is closed to un-guided public access. Photo: Courtesy of Swaner Preserve and EcoCenter
PARK CITY, Utah. — A fun way to opt outside and connect with nature is through the Swaner EcoCenter’s programs and tours. The center’s tour operations take place year-round, so when snow is on the preserve, visitors put on snowshoes for these interactive nature-filled experiences guided by a Swaner naturalist.
Tours take an hour or two and can be booked online for $15 per person for non-members or $7.50 for members. Tours are free for children five and younger and run from Weds. through Sat., 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Snowshoes are available for patrons to rent from the EcoCenter for both onsite and off-site use.
There are multiple options for varying ability levels and age groups:
Wetland Discovery Trail Excursion
A history-based tour along the Wetland Discovery Trail travels on an established path, making this route perfect for those looking for an easily navigable excursion. The center says this tour works well for younger explorers and seniors. According to Swaner, this trail “follows a historic spur line of the Utah Railroad.”
Wetland Pond Excursion
There are multiple spring-fed ponds within the Swaner wetlands and this tour takes visitors through uneven terrain to get to them. This trail is a bit more challenging than the Wetland Discovery Trail.
Preserve Boundary Excursion
This tour takes place on the paved path along the south side of the Swaner Preserve. This is ideal for nature lovers looking to scope out wildlife and birds from a distance through binoculars.
Visit the Swaner EcoCenter online for more information on guided tours.