Photo: Sim.Sports
Sim.Sports Arena
Ski and Snowboard Simulators
We provide advanced technologies to train everyone just like professional athletes. Without lifts, lines and parking, athletes can complete a day’s worth of race training in 20 mins. Not just for ski racers and professional athletes, anyone that wants a way to improve skiing or snowboarding skills when snow isn’t available or without risking injury will love the simulator too…including, first time skiers and snowboarders, people returning from injury and adaptive skiing.
Have your kids get ready for blues on the simulator so a family ski day isn’t just on the bunny slopes!
One-on-one coaches with each session on the simulators.
Our ski simulators utilize a giant motion platform that accelerates you from side to side laterally with powerful motors that recreate the G-Force experienced on the slopes. Sensors track your motion, position of skis, edging angles, average speed, turns made and more.
An app tracks your results and monitors your progress.
Live Leaderboard – Compete against skiers and riders all around the world and your friends and teammates working out with you.
Engages muscles similar to skiing on the snow.
Our giant virtual reality screens will bring racers to WorldCup and Olympic courses including Beaver Creek’s Birds of Prey, Sochi, and PyeongChang.
Adjust snow conditions, add moguls and move gates.
TEL: (817) 965-2862
Address: 2700 Rasmussen Road, Park City, UT, USA
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