JW Bennett

Photo: JW Bennett
JW Bennett was founded by Sarah Kjorstad, a multi-generational Wyoming girl! Growing up on a ranch in eastern Wyoming, Sarah learned the importance of strong values, connection to the land, and pure grit. Her hats, and the passion that fuels their creation, are a reflection of her classic style and cowboy heritage.
Throughout her life, her father and grandfather were rarely without a well-made felt cowboy hat, proving that even tough as nails ranchers value great style when combined with quality construction. Sarah’s hats are also influenced by the poise and strength of her grandmother, her first style icon! Through the balance of strong male and female role models, Sarah has developed a love of fashion, dedication to hard work, and appreciation for functional design.
To honor her family and heritage, Sarah chose ‘JW Bennett’ after her family’s cattle ranch brand. The cattle brand is an upside-down JW coming from the initials of her parents’ names. Bennett is her grandmother’s maiden name as well as her father’s middle name, thus came JW Bennett.
TEL: 435-640-6155
Address: 364 Main Street, Park City, UT, USA
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